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Showing posts with the label global

SMCP Eyes Growth and Investment in China

The Sandro-owner, which doubled annual revenues in the past four years to €1 billion euros, will keep up investments in the region despite the simmering Sino-US trade war. from The Business of Fashion

Getting My Job in Fashion: Nova Octo

In a new series, BoF uncovers the real stories behind securing a job in fashion today. This week, landing a directorial role at a New York-based luxury rental startup. from The Business of Fashion

The Streetwear Generation Turns to Tennis

The once predominantly white country club sport is being reconfigured for a new generation of multi-ethnic, streetwear-savvy millennials, creating new opportunities for fashion brands. from The Business of Fashion

The Problem With Condé Nast's Paywall

The publisher aims to bolster its business by introducing digital subscriptions across its titles by the end of the year. But the move may not address the root of the company's challenges. from The Business of Fashion